Dar es Salaam City Tour

Langue Anglais
Coût 150 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 8 heures

Explore and enjoy the treasures of this rich history and culture of this exciting city.

The city was founded by Majid bin Said, the first Sultan of Zanzibar, in 1865 or 1866. It was the main administrative and commercial center of German East Africa, Tanganyika, and Tanzania. The decision was made in 1974 to move the capital to Dodoma and was officially completed in 1996 but Dar-es-Salaam still retains as the business capital of the country to this day

The city has so many hidden treasures that are worth seeing which includes;

1. National Museum of Tanzania Established in 1934 as a memorial museum dedicated to King George V, opened to the public as the National Museum in 1940 and expanded in 1963. The entry gate is located in Shaaban Robert Street; it houses many historical treasures the most important of which are the remains of the first humans “Paranthropus boisei” discovered by Dr. Louis Leakey at Olduvai Gorge. The museum also has a large colonial history section with Ethnographic displays include traditional crafts, head dresses, ornaments and musical instruments. Hunting and gathering, initiation rites, traditional healing and witchcraft are a few other themes; also on view are leather and bark clothing, and a wooden bicycle in working order.

2. Tingatinga Arts Cooperative Society Tingatinga Paintings are Tanzanian traditional paintings created using layers of bicycle paint representing physical features and landmarks drawn in a canvas material. Formerly they were locally drawn on Masonite and ceiling boards and later Canvases added using several layers of glossy enamel paint which turned its noticeable outlook brilliant, and very attractive representing local people’s activities, Landscape with its exotic animal. Bicycle paint is a good material to use on making clear, vibrant colored paintings that contain sharp contrasts and still gives the ability to work with shades surfaces. The name Tingatinga was derived from the founder of the painting style, a Tanzanian named Edward Said Tingatinga who passed away in 17th May 1972, he left behind his art flying his name to the world, a wife, two children (Daudi & Martina) and six painters who later taught many more other painters

3. Askari Monument It is located at the center of a roundabout between Samora Avenue and Maktaba Street, unveiled in 1927 to honor the African Soldiers who fought in the first World War and to the memory of the Native African Troops who fought, to the carriers who were the feet and the hands of the army, and to all men who fought, served, died for the King and the Country in the East Africa in World War 1”. The former statue was unveiled in 1911 to celebrate the Germans victory in 1888, represented Major Herman Von Wissmann, a German explorer and soldier, who became Governor of German East Africa in 1895. British entered Dar es Salaam in 1916 and removed this statue along with those of Karl Peters and Otto von Bismarck.

4. Village Museum Tanzania has about 124 ethnic tribes in which the main 16 are chosen to represent all, by displaying their old ways of living before colonial and industrial revolution. Among the chosen tribes, each display their home structure with houses built by natural materials to show the old life reality, inside each house you will find some of the equipment used including cooking stoves, pots, bowls, water cooling pot, spears & arrows for hunting, defensive & protection. Each house include rooms divisions and allocation to the family members accordingly. At each house information are provided in a well printed and laminated paper to give visitors more details about the customs of their people, lifestyle, and equipment discovered & used before the modern world. To-date there are still tribes in the rural areas who lives one hundred percent in their old ways of life. Under the big tree at the museum yard, a general traditional tribal dance performances take place daily, whenever there is demand.

5. St. Joseph's Cathedral of Archdiocese of Dar es Salaam (Pass By) One of the most iconic Dar-es salaam buildings, the St. Joseph cathedral is not just a chapel, built by the Germans between 1897 and 1902, the gothic cathedral now harbors the Dar-es salaam Catholic archdiocese after its consecration in 1906.

6. Azania Front Lutheran Chruch (Pass By) Constructed in gothic style by German missionaries between 1899 and 1902, Azania Front Lutheran Cathedral stands magnificently along the Kivukoni Front road, close to water front of the Indian Ocean and facing the harbor to add to the splendid view of the city center of Dar-es Salaam.

7. Askari Monument (Pass By) The Askari Monument is a statue that is located at a roundabout in Dar-es Salaam connecting Samora Avenue with Maktaba Street. The position marks the focal point of downtown Dar, an area filled with history and charm. Built in 1927 as a tribute to the askari soldiers that fought in World War I The Askari Monument is a must-visit if you’re in Dar-es Salaam.

8. Kariakoo Market Constructed by the architect B.J. Amuli, the Kariakoo market in Dar es Salaam was officially opened in December 1975 by Julius Nyerere, Tanzania’s founding father. The market derived its name from the African porters and casual laborer, "the Carrier Corps", of the First World War when the British Army chose the area as their camping site but today its the largest market in East Africa taking over any city block

9. Mwenge Woodcarvers Market Mwenge Woodcarvers Market hosts a giant cooperation of over 200 carvers who specialize in Makonde carvings. This is tree carving market worth seeing.

10. Kivukoni Fish Market. This is an international market for fish to most land locked countries near Tanzania consisting of many marine species such as octopuses and squids.


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