Bordeaux & la Cité du Vin (Wine Museum)

Langue Anglais, Français, Russe
Coût 365 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 8 heures

Let’s dedicate the day to Bordeaux historical and modern, cultural and

architectural and it’s Iconique unique in the world Cité du Vin.

In the first part of the day enjoy 2 hours walking tour with top sights of


-The Place de la Bourse, the Water Mirror, Opera, Place de la Comedie,

Notre Dame Church, Porte Cailhau, riverfront, Quinconces square and it’s

majestic fountain, Cathedrale Saint- André.

In the second part of the day after the lunch in the remarkable restaurant

the guide will accompany you on modern tramway to welcome the unique

in the world Cité du Vin of Bordeaux. Since 2016 Bordeaux, a world’s wine

capital has its own iconic landmark. With 398,000 visitors in 2023, the Cité

du Vin confirms its attractiveness among french and international visitors

and remains one of the essential visits during a stay in Bordeaux.

Your accredited guide with be there for you to comment 3000 m2 of

permanent exhibition which deals with history, geography, arts , sciences,

oenology, art de vivre in sensorial, interactive , immersive ways.


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