Medellin city tour

Langue Anglais, hongrois
Coût 75 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 5 heures

Learn about the city transformation: Medellin has undergone a remarkable change in recent decades to become a thriving, modern city. Also known as the city of eternal spring, Medellín is full of life, music, smiles and culture. Feel it for yourself. We visit the historical city center: meet the art of Fernando Botero, learn about the city's history, and get to know the public transportation system: the metro, and the cable car - similar to a ski lift this system provides amazing inside into locals' lives on the steep hillsides of the city suburbs. Then visit the Comuna 13 neighborhood: once known for its high levels of violence and poverty, Comuna 13 is now a vibrant community that is attracting visitors from around the world. We finish our trip in the middle of the city: amazing views from Nutibara hill. Minimum number of travelers: 2. In case of more people, the price per person is less.


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