Merrakch to ait ben haddou to tinghir Todgha gorge to Merzouga

Langue Anglais
Coût 120 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 3 jours

We started the tour from Marrakech passing through many Berber villages to the fortified villages Ait Ben Haddou which listed as a unisco world heritage since 1987, To Hollywood of Africa Ouarzazat a place where many movies have been acted in it, Than to Todgha gorge an attractive place of every mountain’s climber than to desert a place where you can do many activities and explore a lot of things such as

Enjoying the sunset in golden dunes

And riding camels and visit nomadic people in there simple tents than enjoy Gnawa music in El khmliya a village of slave people who escaped from slavery

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