3 Days Safari in Tanzania National Parks .

Langue Anglais
Coût 4200 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 3 jours


Day 1: Arrival and Evening Game Drive

Morning: Arrive at the safari camp or lodge.

Afternoon: Check-in and have lunch.

Late Afternoon: Embark on an evening game drive. This is an opportunity to spot animals that are more active during the cooler hours of the day, such as lions, leopards, and hyenas.

Evening: Return to the camp or lodge for dinner and overnight stay. You can relax around a campfire and share stories with other travelers or enjoy stargazing.

Day 2: Full Day Game Drive

Morning: Early morning game drive. This is the best time to observe wildlife as they are most active during the cooler hours of the day. You may have the chance to witness predators hunting or catch sight of rare species.

Midday: Return to the camp or lodge for brunch and some leisure time. You can take a dip in the pool, relax in your room, or simply enjoy the surroundings.

Afternoon: Afternoon game drive. Explore different areas of the reserve or national park in search of more wildlife. Your guide will take you to the best spots for sightings.

Evening: Return to the camp or lodge for dinner and overnight stay.

Day 3: Bush Walk and Departure

Morning: Guided bush walk. Explore the wilderness on foot with an experienced guide who will teach you about the flora, fauna, and tracks left by animals. This is a chance to experience the bush from a different perspective and learn about its intricate ecosystem.

Midday: Return to the camp or lodge for lunch and some relaxation time.

Afternoon: Depending on your departure time, you may have the opportunity for one final game drive or leisure activities around the camp.

Evening: Departure from the safari camp or lodge.

This itinerary offers a balanced mix of game drives, relaxation, and immersive experiences like bush walks, ensuring you get the most out of your three-day safari adventure. Keep in mind that actual itineraries may vary depending on the location, season, and specific preferences of travelers.


For more information about the trip feel free to message me ..


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