Historical Sightseeings

Langue Anglais
Coût 80 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 1 jour

I will show you the historical sights of Herat, and take you to the ancient city of Herat :

👉Blue Mosque (the biggest and ancient mosque of Herat)

👉Citadel (from Alexander time)

👉Gawhar Shad Bigum Muselleum ( the most powerful lady from the Timurid empire )

👉Amir Ali Shir Navaie Tomb ( Poet, adviser, and scholar of the Timurid king)

👉Minarets (the tallest towers of Herat from the Timurid Empire)

👉Khaja Abdullah Ansari Shrine (the most respectful person for the people of Herat)


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