Everest view trek

Langue Anglais, hindi, Népalais
Coût 800 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 1 semaine

The Everest View Trek to Namche Bazaar is a popular trekking route in the Everest region of Nepal. It provides stunning views of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, as well as other majestic mountains in the Himalayas. This trek is suitable for those who want to experience the beauty of the Everest region without undertaking a more challenging and lengthy trek to Everest Base Camp.

Here is details itinerary:-

Day 1- Arrive Kathmandu

Day 2- Fly to Lukla and Trek to Phakding/Manjo

Day 3- Trek to Namche Bazar

Day 4- Hike to Museum, Trek upto Everest

View Hotel, Have a lunch there and

back to Namche Bazar to stay.

Day 5- Trek back to Lukla

Day 6- Fly back to Kathmandu.

Day 7- Back to home.


* Flight cost

* Food during our trek.

* Guide wages.

* Entrance fee/Govt fee.

* Porter

* Accommodation at Kathmandu (4* Category)

with BB plan(2 nights)

*Airport pickup.


* Food during Kathmandu stay.

*Tips/allowance (Expected).

* Other things except mentions above.


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