Samarkand: transfer from the airport or train/train station.

Langue Anglais, Russe
Coût 20 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 1 heure

We will gladly arrange for you a transfer from the New Airport or Railway Station to any point in Samarkand. Our driver will meet you with a nameplate, help with your things and deliver to the specified address. We promise you it will be clear, professional and punctual!

Convenience and quality service

Individual transfer from the airport is comfort and time saved. We will meet you at the agreed hour with a nameplate and take you to the right address for a fixed price. All our drivers are friendly, responsive and responsible people. Pleasant first impressions of the country are guaranteed!

Organizational details

When booking, please specify flight number, time of arrival, hotel name and your name.


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