Khaftkul "Seven Lakes - Seven Beauties" - the pearl of Tajikistan in the Fan Mountains

Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand, Russe
Coût 250 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 10 heures

Seven lakes, Haftkul, Marguzores Lakes - all this is the name of one beautiful complex of lakes in the depth of the Fan Mountains. The natural attraction is located 40 kilometers from the town of Pendjikent in the long gorge of the Xing River. The first lake travelers will see at an altitude of 1640 meters above sea level, and the last one at the level of 2400 meters. These lakes attract amazing blue water and surrounding mountain scenery. Especially beautiful here in summer.

It will take all day to see the Seven Lakes. The route from the first lake to the last is 14 km, but with a stop at each lake for at least 10 minutes - the inspection will take at least 3 hours. To fully enjoy the beauty of the Seven Lakes takes 5-6 hours. It is most convenient to go here from Punjikent, and you can also drive 120 km from Samarkand.

For those who want to take their car to the Seven Lakes, two things are worth knowing. First: approaching the lakes asphalt road will end and will start a good primer with not the steepest rises, but a small car may not cope. The second and more significant is that in some places the road goes right by the water and in the summer months it may flood (on the lakes Nofin and Marguzor).

For those who want to spend more time on the Seven Lakes there are two options: to stay in the guest houses of local residents or to install a tent on one of the many glades. It should be borne in mind that this is possible only from May to September, as the autumn and winter here is quite cold. In addition, in the summer months you can go on a hike - from Lake Marguzor there is a famous trekking trail to the pass Tawasang (3307 meters), which is connected to several hiking routes on the Fan Mountains.


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