Samarkand-Tasting Uzbek wines

Langue Anglais, Français, Allemand, Italien, Russe
Coût 45 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 5 heures

Excursion to the winery «Bagizagan» in the suburb of Samarkand + tasting of Uzbek wines and cognacs.

What will happen during the tour:

Winzavod «Bagizagan» is located in the village of the same name Tailyak district, 25 km from Samarkand. Five generations of winemakers have grown grapes in the valley of the Zarafshan River - and today «Baghizagan» produces some of the best wines and cognacs in Uzbekistan. The wine carefully created in this factory has absorbed all the sun in these parts.

First you will have a short excursion to the vineyards, where several grape varieties are grown. Here you can see how the vine grows, how it is looked after, how the grapes are harvested, how much work and care farmers invest every day.

Then guests will see the process of processing grapes and technology of wine production, hear the history of creation and development of the plant.

In conclusion, wine and cognac tasting will be organized for those wishing in the colorful basement tasting room.


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