10-Day Cultural, Historical And Wildlife Safari Adventure In Zambia From Livingstone

Langue Anglais
Coût 1920 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 1 semaine 3 jours


Experience this authentic, in-depth cultural tour to learn more about the rich pre and post-colonial history of Zambia first-hand in real time. Visit one of the Natural Wonders of the World- Victoria Falls.

You will also visit some African villages least affected by Western norms and traditions in Chikakanta village. Present gifts to Her Royal Highness, Chieftainess Mwenda, the only female in Chikankanta district, southern province of Zambia. In Lusaka, you will explore the Lusaka National Museum where you will see exhibits like sculptures, paintings from all ages, cultural highlights and archaeological displays.

Narration: This 10-Day Nanzhila group cultural tour excursion cost US$1,920 per person. It is available daily throughout the year.

Our strength:

o Our line staff possess in-depth local indigenous knowledge. They are passionate about African culture and will ensure a memorable stay to serve you!


• Witness the breathtaking beauty of the Victoria Falls

• Explore the sites of Kalomo and Choma towns

• Spend a full-day exploring the highlights of the Lusaka City

• Get to meet Her Royal Highness, Chieftainess Mweenda, in Chikankata district

• Enjoy a variety of cultural activities at Mukazubo Cultural Centre at Chikuni Mission in Chisekesi


Day 1: Arrive in Livingstone,

• Meet our tour guide and driver at the Livingstone International Airport (Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula Airport). You will be transferred to and stay at any good tourism compliant lodge in Livingstone.

• Have a ‘meet and greet session’ in the evening in the lobby of your hotel/lodge where you will meet your fellow travellers (unless you are a solo or private traveller).

Note: There are no planned activities on the day of arrival. Activities start on the following second day, early in the morning.

• 19:30 pm: You will have a well-prepared fresh, healthy dinner, a perfect introduction to the finest natural health foods and drinks.

• 20:00 pm: Retire to bed.

Day 2: Tours and Activities in Livingstone: The Tourist Capital of Zambia.

Program of the day

• 07:10 am: Wake up; thereafter, take a morning bath.

• 07:30 am: Take your sumptuous breakfast,

• 08:00 am: You will travel to the mighty Victoria Falls for a wonderful waterfall viewing and tour experience excursion.

• 08:00 am – 10:30 am: Commence touring the mighty Victoria Falls;

o Narration: The Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls is the world's greatest sheet of falling water. It is significant worldwide for its exceptional geological and geomorphological features and active land formation processes. It has an outstanding beauty attributed to the falls, i.e. the spray, mist and rainbows. Thereafter, visit the local craft market just outside the perimeter fence of Victoria Falls.

• 10:30 am – 11:00 am: You will then travel back to Livingstone City and;

• 11:00 am – 12:30 pm: You will visit and commence touring the Livingstone Museum.

o Highlight: There are local museum tour guides available to accompany you. The guides’ service is complimentary.

• 12:30 pm –13:00 pm: After touring the Livingstone Museum, you will walk across to the Livingstone city centre. You will see colonial buildings, many shops, banks, and local markets.

• 13:00 pm - 14:30 pm: You will take your lunch at the Lodge.

• 14:30 pm: Take an afternoon of rest in your lodge room.

• 16:00 pm: Next activity: Village Tour to Mukuni Village. You will experience and see in real-time the true Zambian cultural lifestyle of local people genuinely living a genuine life and not acting for tourists.

o Additional activities: On your way to Mukuni village, you will visit and tour the National Art Gallery for thirty (30) minutes. This means that you will leave your lodge at 03:00 p.m. for the National Art Gallery.

• Thereafter, you will travel to Mukuni village on the outskirts of Livingstone city. During the Mukuni Village tour, you will be treated to an African experience where you will get to learn more about the African culture and interact with people from the village.

• At the end of the Mukuni Village Tour, you will be transferred back to your Lodge for dinner and sleep.

Day 3: Game Drive in the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and Thereafter Depart from Livingstone Early in the Morning for Kalomo

Chronological order of the program

• 05:30 am: Wake up call and take a bath.

• 06:10 am: You will be picked up from your lodge and proceed to Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park's main entrance. You will be required to pay the necessary park entry fees to enable you to enter the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park.

• 06:45 am: Commence game viewing within the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park. You will take a mini break by the shores of the Zambezi River.

Rhino Walking Safari

• Thereafter, you will proceed to the other side of the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park for a walking safari to view the White Rhinos. You are encouraged to donate anything, either materially or financially, to the Wildlife Protection Officers who watch over these few remaining white Rhinos 24/7.

• 09: 30 a.m. - Exit the Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and return back to your lodge for breakfast.

• 09:35 am - Take your sumptuous breakfast.

• 10:30 am: Leave for Kalomo travelling by road up north on T-1, the main tourist road of Zambia (Livingstone – Lusaka T-1 road). It is a good tarmac road, and you will cover a distance of about 128 km. You will pass the small roadside town of Zimba on your way up north before reaching Kalomo.

• 13:00 pm: Arrive in Kalomo town, the first colonial capital city of the then Northern Rhodesia, current Zambia.


Program of the day

• You will visit and tour the first "state house" of the colonial administrator of Northern-Western Rhodesia (now Zambia).

o More details: The Administrator's House national monument-located in Kalomo, Zambia, is a 116-year-old house. It was the first home of the British South African Company (BSAco)'s administrator in charge of a territory back then called North-Western Rhodesia. It is believed the house served as present-day Zambia's first state house.

• Thereafter, you will depart for Choma and, along the way, see the Kalundu Mound: About 3km north of Kalomo, on the main road, is a slightly raised mound (a matter of just a few metres) of earth through which the road passes. This marks the site of an Iron-Age village, and the mound is the accumulated debris of many centuries of occupation.

• 14:30 pm: Enjoy lunch break in Kalomo.

• 14:45 pm: Depart for Choma, a distance of about 100 km.

• 17:30 pm: Arrive in Choma town.

o Narration: Choma is a market town and is the provincial headquarters of the Southern Province of Zambia. It lies on Zambia’s main T-1 tourist road and railway line, about 285km from Lusaka and 188km from Livingstone. It is home to the Choma Museum and Craft Centre, exclusively dedicated to the cultural heritage of the Tonga people of the southern province of Zambia.

• 17:00 pm: Check in at Twin Cave, Leons Lodge, or Meridian Lodge in Choma or at any other good accommodation facility.

• 19:00 pm – 21:30 pm: Enjoy your nice dinner.

• 21:40 pm: After an exciting day of activities, you will retire to bed to sleep.

Day 4: Choma Town Tour

Program of the day

• 07:30 am: Wake up; thereafter, take a bath.

• 08:00 am – 08: 30 am: Enjoy breakfast.

• 09:00 am - 11:30 am: Commence cultural and educational tour of the Choma Museum and Art Gallery.

• Further, undertake an outdoor tour of the Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula statue, a political freedom fighter for Zambia’s independence.

o Narration: Choma Museum is a place full of Zambian and African history dedicated to preserving the heritage of the Tonga tribe. You will see for yourself the historical artifacts and monuments left behind during the colonial rule of Zambia. It houses and sells traditional crafts and artifacts.

• 12:30 pm – 13:30 pm: Enjoy a lunch break at the Choma Museum or at any other good eating place.

• 13:35 pm: Travel to Chikuni Mission in Chisekesi to Mukanzubo Cultural Research Institute centre. Narration: The Institute is a cultural site dedicated to showcasing, promoting and protecting the Tonga culture, heritage, traditions and events.

• 17:10 pm - Check-in at Mukazubo Lodge/hostel accommodation facilities at Chikuni Mission.

• 18:00 pm – 19:00 pm: Enjoy evening dinner.

• 19:00 pm – 21:30 pm: Evening relaxation with friends.

• 21:00 pm: After a day's travel and exciting activities, you will then retire to bed to sleep.

Day 5: Full Day Cultural Activities at Mukazubo Cultural Research Institute at Chikuni Mission in Chisekesi.

• 06:10 am: Wake up; thereafter, take a warm or cold bath.

• 08:00 am – 08:30 am: Enjoy a sumptuous morning breakfast.

• 09:00 am: Commence a number of cultural activities at Mukazubo Cultural Research Institute. These are:

o Cultural music (dance and songs)

o Cultural tour or museum tour (artifacts, tradition, musical instruments, beadwork shop)

• 12:30 pm – 13:30 pm: Eat your sumptuous lunch.

• 14:00 pm: Continue with more cultural activities, i.e. traditional games, pounding, grinding, putting on traditional costumes for photos, shooting, and traditional meals (village types).

o Note: These activities will be spread out in a logical sequence to cover the whole day.

• 19:00 pm – 21:30 pm: Evening relaxation with friends.

• 21:00 pm: Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 6: Continuation of Cultural Activities at Mukazubo Cultural Research Institute in Chikuni Mission in Chisekesi.

Program of the day: You will do more cultural activities as directed by the tour coordinator.

Below is the order of activities on this day.

• 07:30 am: Wake up; thereafter, take a bath.

• 08:30 am: Enjoy morning breakfast.

• 09:00 am: Do some more exciting cultural excursions:

o Continue with the various cultural activities around Mukazubo Cultural Research Institute at Chikuni Mission.

• 19:00 pm – 21:30 pm: Evening dinner and relaxation with friends.

• 21:00 pm: Retire to sleep.

Day 7: Depart to Chikankanta District After Passing Through Family Safari Lodge and Samu Lya Moomba Heritage in Monze.

Program of the day

• 07:30 am: Wake-up call; thereafter, take a warm shower.

• 07:30-07:45 am: Take your sumptuous breakfast.

• 08:00 am: Depart from Mukazubo Cultural Research Centre: Travel to the Safari Lodge to see some wild animals in a forest reserve.

o Thereafter, travel and arrive in Monze: - An agricultural town with an estimated population of 163,578 people.

• 10:30 am: Visit the Samu Lya Moomba national heritage site outside Monze town in the Bweengwa area, Chief CHOONGO’s chiefdom, to see Zambia's deep cultural heritage.

o Narration (information tip): Samu Lya Moomba holds a special place in Zambia's history as it was the location where some freedom fighters from across Zambia would meet to strategise on the attainment of Zambia's political independence.

• 12:30 am – In-transit lunch: You will be served with some delicious lunch whilst in transit to Mazabuka.

o Narration: Mazabuka, dubbed “The Sweetest Town” in Zambia. This is because sugar canes that are processed into edible household sugar are grown on a large scale in Mazabuka.

• 15:30 pm: Travel to Chikakanta district to Chieftainess Mwenda's Chiefdom.

• 18:30 pm: Check-in at any good-level guest lodge in Chikakanta

• 19:30 pm – Dinner.

• 21:30 pm – Retire to bed to sleep early.

• Day 8: Full-Day of Cultural Activities in Genuine Rural Based Villages in Chieftainess Mweenda's Chiefdom

Below is the order of activities on this day.

• 07:30 am: Wake up; thereafter, take a bath.

• 08:00 am: Enjoy morning breakfast.

• 08:10 am: Receive a short briefing from the Tour Coordinator on the day's activities and other issues.

• 08:30 am: Pay a courtesy call on Chieftainess Mwenda at her palace. You will present to her with any gifts without any ceremonial pomp.

• 09:30 am: You will be transferred to your respective home villages as directed by the Chieftainess Mwenda herself or her authorized representative.

• 10:00 am: Cultural excursion: You will immerse yourself in authentic Tonga culture as you visit a traditional village, accompanied by an English-speaking guide who lives there himself. You will spend the whole day with your host family in the village. You will do a hands-on participatory village tour in as many facets of village chores or activities as possible.

• 15:00 pm: You will then make a decision as to whether you will sleep over at your host family in the village or not.

• 16:30 p.m.: The rest of the team members who do not wish to sleep over in the village will be transferred back to the Chikankanta Guest Lodge.

• 18:30 pm: Relax in the evening at the Guest Lodge.

• 21:00 pm: Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 9: Tour of Lusaka City.

General Narration: More than 40% of the Zambian population lives in urban areas. The capital city of Zambia is Lusaka, located in the south-central part of Zambia. The nation's population of around 19.5 million is concentrated mainly around Lusaka in the south and the Copperbelt Province to the north, the core economic hubs of the country. Lusaka is one of Africa’s most delightful and fastest-growing cities in Africa. It is a metropolitan area that offers a traditional and hearty Zambian welcome to all visitors.

Local culture and traditions

Lusaka was named after the village chief called Lusaaka, whose port was located at the point where the National Assembly building now stands. The area was then expanded to provide settlement for workers working on the railway during the British colonial times. Today, Lusaka is a favourite town for many tourists, expatriates, students and Zambians too, simply because of the fast-growing infrastructure, housing and easy access to services.

Program of the day

• Wake up and thereafter take a bath.

• Enjoy a sumptuous morning breakfast.

• 07:30 am: Depart for Lusaka.

• 09:20 am: Munali Hills Pass route: You will experience the true Zambian culture of this beautiful country along the way to Lusaka. The vehicle will wind its way through the beautiful landscape, passing through some green commercial farms, traditional African villages and schools along the way to Kafue.

• Turn-Pike Turn-Off: At the Turn-Pike junction, we will branch off from the T-1 Livingstone Road and turn into the T-2 Kafue Road. By the roadside, we will briefly stop over by the lay-bye to buy some fresh bananas and apples.

• 13:40 pm: Arrive in Lusaka and check in at any good-level accommodation facility.

• 14:00 pm: Take your sumptuous lunch.

• Afternoon activities: Visit Lusaka National Museum:

o Overview: The National Museum of Lusaka will be one of the highlights of your Lusaka tour, where you will see exhibits like sculptures, paintings from all ages, cultural highlights and archaeological displays.

o This specific cultural heritage museum tells the background of Zambia using four main divisions: ethnography, witchcraft, history and contemporary art.

• What you will do: 1. Guided Tour of the Lusaka Museum

• 16:30 pm - Return to your accommodation to take a rest or just take a relaxed walk of Lusaka's Central Business District. You will decide what you will do and tell the tour coordinator.

• 19:00 pm: Farewell dinner at any restaurant in Lusaka.

• 21:00 hrs: Retire to bed to sleep.

Day 10: Departure

o 05:30 am: Wake up and have breakfast.

o 06:00 am: Transfer to Lusaka International Airport (Kenneth Kaunda) to board your return flight home.

What's Included

• Accommodation in comfortable tourist-class lodges/guesthouses/campsites

• Free Wi-Fi at some lodges

• English-speaking Zambian driver/guide

• Meals are included

• 24/7 support service and transfers

What's Excluded

• Gratuities

• Park entry fees into Mosi-oa-Tunya National Park and Victoria Falls are not included

• Alcoholic beverages

• Items or expenses of a personal nature

• Travel Insurance

• Visa

• International roundtrip airfare to Zambia

• Airport transfers if you arrive on a day other than the scheduled start date

Know before you go

• Background on Zambia:

o Acknowledged as one of the safest tourist destinations in the world, Zambia's welcoming people live in peace and harmony. Zambia, dubbed as the 'Smile of Africa’, is home to the most beautiful picturesque sites in Africa. She has rich cultural and natural heritage sites such as Victoria Falls, a UNESCO-listed waterfall —one of the Seven Natural Wonders and the largest falling sheet of water in the world.

• The capital city of Zambia:

o Lusaka was named after the village chief called Lusaka, whose port was located at the point where the National Assembly building now stands. The area was then expanded to provide a settlement for workers working on the railway during British colonial times. Today, Lusaka is a favourite town for many tourists, expatriates, students and Zambians, too, simply because of the fast-growing infrastructure, housing and easy access to services.

• What you will do:

o You will spend time connecting with community members in genuine functioning African traditional villages in the Chikankanta district, barely untouched by Western influence. You will experience what daily African village life is like in Zambia in real-time. Where possible and subject to your approval, you will do an overnight village home stay-in to learn about their cultural practices and assist in daily village chores. You will further visit the Family Safari Lodge in Monze to view wild animals. You will see firsthand the bustling city lifestyle of the people of Lusaka, the political capital city of Zambia, where the tour ends.

• Note: Your guide recommends a pre-tour special accommodation request for you to experience other adrenalin activities in Livingstone before the commencement of this tour.

o Host families for cultural tourism activities are carefully selected. They are all subjected to a rigorous screening process by the social and community liaison manager working in conjunction with the local traditional village Chief of the area. This is done to ensure that all clients work in a safe and conducive environment for maximum enjoyment of the experience.

o Other options available are a 'Day Trip to Chobe National Park' in neighbouring Botswana, which the guides can facilitate on your behalf. (This is optional; Please contact the sales team if you require this optional and extra service. Otherwise, kindly stick to the planned itinerary program outline here).

• Travelling style: Overland 4x4 safari vehicles.

• We do not wait for tour seats to fill up to the required number. All our departure dates on this tour are 100% guaranteed to take off on the stated date regardless of the number of people that have booked. The set base default arrangement is "Group Tour Arrangement", where other people will join you on the safari tour.

• A specially designed tour can also be offered to individuals wanting either a private or solo travelling arrangement. For a private tour, this means that you have only family members or close friends in your company travelling together. For a solo tour arrangement, you will be all by yourself as a single traveller accompanied by our tour guide and medic. However, some wildlife viewing activities in the parks are run by the lodges/camps themselves. At such times, kindly expect to share safari vehicles with other people.

Meeting Point

Livingstone, Zambia

Cancellation Policy

For cancellations upto 2 days before the tour -

Refund of 80% of the tour price.


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