Bucharest by car - full day 'stop and visit' experience

Langue Anglais, Italien
Coût 250 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 7 heures

Embark on a 7-hour journey through Bucharest and share a "stop and visit" experience. See the city in one day with driver guide and get `a complete glimpse about the people, history and urban development by driving through Bucharest. Including the backstreets.

Pick up from your hotel in the morning. We will start our experience with the southern part, exploring the less known and not-so-touristy neighborhoods. Have you ever seen a natural delta in the middle of a European capital? You will now...

Be prepared to hear the stories inside the most famous cemetery of the city and discover a hidden castle and mosque.

We will not miss some of the most important religious landmarks of the city as the Patriarchy.

A stop for lunch and refreshments will be made depending on where and when that finds us. Bucharest has a wide variety of restaurants you can chose from.

Afternoon is reserved for touching the highlights of the central and northern area. Moving on to the main squares (Unirii square) and historic spots as we get closer to the recent times. We will be covering the entire central area, from the communist dystopian architecture of the 1980's to the belle epoque and modernism.

Check out the parks and posh quarters, the ruins and the palaces, the Opera House and dictator's residence. Stop to visit and Revolution Square, and marvel at landmarks like the Royal Palace, now the National Art Gallery and the Athaeneum.

Late afternoon will catch us at the unique Triumphal Arch before heading to the lively and colorful big market of Obor. You can even chose to stop and visit if there's something that catches your eye...

We end with visiting the University Square and marvel at landmarks like the National Theater. How and why it was chosen as the capital city, when and where it was founded you will find out at the end of the day, in the Old City Center

This is an ideal sketch of a tour. Depending on your hotel's location it can start from a different area but will be completing the same itinerary.

It can be subjected to changes according to your interests, pace, holidays and weather conditions.

At all times you will be in a safe environment as Bucharest does not have "no go" areas and very low crime rate.

See the city in one day!


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