Off the Beathen Path in Istanbul

Langue Anglais, Turc
Coût 100 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 5 heures

Some Options

1. Main Highlights of Istanbul. If this is your first time here and you’ve a limited time I can make a specific tour for you. I can explain structures briefly without entering the buildings in Sultanahmet area. Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Topkapı Palace, Grand Bazaar, Spicy Bazaar, etc.

2. Alternative Highlights in Local Areas: Even it is your first time in Istanbul and you’re looking less-known historical places, you’re on the right spot. In this walking tour, you’ll have a chance to see historical aqueduct, 0 local bazaar, outstanding mosques with a great history, observe local life.

3. Asian Side Tour: We can explore old Ottoman houses, historical and modern mosques in Üsküdar and daily local routine, cat’s life in Kadıköy with this excursion. Both places has its historical neighbourhoods.

(These tours are customizable according to your preferences. I just wanted to offer some options.)


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