Korca Tour

Langue Albanian, Anglais, Italien
Coût 30 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 2 heures

Tour description

Get to know the city in charge of a specialized guide in English and Italian language. I will tell you in the most entertaining way all the curiosities and history of the most relevant places in Korça.

It covers the main attractions of the city and also the hidden gems that are well and truly "off the beaten track" and gives you facts you wouldn't know or notice walking around by yourself.

Meet and learn in a fun way and share with people like you from different parts of the world. "Collect Moments instead of things". I want to share the beauty of my country with all visitors who are interested.

Tourists can choose the city tour where we can visit the old Bazaar of Korca, the Republic Boulevard, the Orthodox Cathedral, the Japanese Park, the Medieval Museum, Korca brewery.

Also, visits can be made outside the city, in the mentioned tourist attractions. These tours are available for groups of up to 4 people and can be accessed by car. The guide guarantees accuracy and coordination in relation to time, place of departure and arrival.

Meeting point:

40°37'05.4+20°46'30.7 Korçë, Korçë 70...

View on map

I will be in front of "HANI i Pazarit, Boutique Hotel"

Main highlights:

Korça City Tour

Morava Mountain

Fir of Drenova National Park

Prespa National Park

Pheasant forest

Kamenica Tumulus

Voskopoja (Byzantine Churches)

Dardha Village

Saint Peter Monastery & Catacomb


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