Private Tour in Ancient Paths of Nature in Acropolis and Plaka

Langue Anglais
Coût 120 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 5 personnes
Durée 2 heures

We will make tour to historic triangle of Athens, following hidden and ancient paths of nature so you can feel the spirit of Ancient Athens! You can enjoy the tour on foot, where we'll talk about the history of the archeological sites! Together we can see the connection of the modern era with the ancient era and the culture of the ancient Greeks with local life! We'll walk from Acropolis to Pnyka and Philopapou and there from nature paths to Thisio and finally to Monastiraki and the colourful and enchanting narrows of Plaka! During all the tour you can take photos and share with me the beautiful and ancient places of Athens.


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