Kruja Daily Tour

Langue Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Espagnol
Coût 120 EUR pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 5 heures

Start at around 9:00 AM to drive up to Kruja mountain

Coffee stop along the way

Visit the Sarisalltik Temple on top of the mountain

Shoot some great pictures in the park there

Walk in nature and feel the cool fresh air

Head to Kruja city

Explore the Bazaar and many shops

Visit the castle of Kruja which is also a great museum of albanian history

Visit the Dollma Tekke and see the Olive Tree which is thought to be more than 500 years old

Break for Lunch and free time to explore

Drive back to Tirana or Durres


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