Isfahan Carpet Quest - Find Your Perfect Persian carpet, Rug, Glim & other handmade textiles.

Langue Anglais, Persian (Farsi), Espagnol
Coût 100 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Une personne
Durée 8 heures

Explore Isfahan's amazing carpets with a friendly & knowledgeable guide

What We Do:

Pick you up from your hotel & take you to a real, authentic carpet workshop and show you how they're made.

Help you find high-quality carpets at workshops, stores, and boutiques.

Personalized Assistance: we will be by your side throughout the tour, catering to your specific interests. Discuss your desired styles, materials, and budget to find the perfect one.

Teach you how to bargain politely to get a fair price.

The Persian carpet is considered the finest, and thus one of the highest levels of art that was ever achieved by mankind to this day!


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