Tirana Stadium Tour

Langue Anglais, Italien
Coût 50 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 4 personnes
Durée 5 heures

The tour is based all in Stadium history , In Tirana are 3 interesting stadium's that have very interesting history . In corner of the City is Partizan Stadium not very big with a attendance of 4500 seats and with very nice view and very interesting artichtecture , the second stadium is Selman Stermasi with 12.000 seats not far away from center a old stadium with very interesting history. The last one and the most beautiful is Air Albania Stadium the biggest and the most beautiful stadium in Albania with a capacity of 22.000 seat's this is the highest attendance in our football league.

No ticket needed for entry

From 09:00 to 19:00


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