Climb mount kilimanjaro 7 day Machame route

Langue Anglais
Coût 1850 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Groupe jusqu’à 10 personnes
Durée 1 semaine

Embark on a journey of unparalleled adventure with Wild Hazina’s Tanzania Safaris, where every moment is meticulously crafted to create a seamless blend of luxury and exploration. With a reputation for excellence, Wild Hazina invites you to discover the diverse wonders of Tanzania through carefully curated safari experiences. From the iconic Serengeti to the majestic Ngorongoro Crater, the towering Kilimanjaro, the enchanting Southern Circuit, and the hidden treasures of the Western Circuit, each safari is a gateway to a world teeming with wildlife and natural beauty.

About Me! Hey there, I'm Juma! With over 15 years of experience, I'm your go-to guide and tour operator for unforgettable safaris and treks here in Tanzania. Whether you're seeking the thrill of a safari adventure or the challenge of trekking through our stunning landscapes, I've got you covered. Join me for an incredible journey through the heart of Africa!

Our clients will enable to stay at hotel for day one when they arrive at Arusha and the next day when they start their safaris to National Park, they enable to stay in mid range hotel in every National Park they visit. They enable to get hot shower and have enough time to relax and make story during the night.


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