Museum of the audience of time; Iran Clock Museum

Langue Persan
Coût 200 USD pour l'excursion
Nombre de personnes: Tout nombre de personnes
Durée 4 heures

By visiting the Tamashaghe Zaman Museum, you can kill two birds with one stone: you will visit a beautiful and noble mansion and you will see strange and extraordinary clocks. This building will enchant you with its beautiful blue facade as soon as you enter it. After entering the museum, you will see all kinds of clocks. These clocks start from the 14th century and continue to the present day. The Esfahani room and the famous room are also very spectacular, apart from their architecture and attractive plasterwork. Some of the country's celebrities have also donated their watches, which are famous brands in the world, to the Museum of Time, and you can see them in the hall of fame.


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