Sueli Rutkowski est un guide-conférencier privé local en Brésil

I love smiling and dancing. I like literature, passion fruit juice and also traveling, which took me to Germany, where I lived for ten years. Since 2006, I have worked as a Regional (Minas Gerais State) and National Tour Guide.

In Ouro Preto, my hometown, I offer thematic walking tours. If I were you… I would face the ups and downs of the hills in Ouro Preto on foot, as they are full of saints, students, art, architecture, pão de queijo (cheese rolls – typical food) and coffee to experience what is to be an ouro-pretano (native from Ouro Preto)!

Langues Anglais, Allemand, Portugais
Devises Dollar américain (USD)

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