Lilit Serobyan est un guide-conférencier privé local en Arménie

Des endroits

I am a licensed and skillful travel guide from Yerevan, Armenia working as a tour-manager and travel-guide for more than 10 years organizing tours in whole Armenia, Goergia and Nagorny Karabagh, I am fond of my country, I adore my profession and it's my great pleasure to show wonderful Armenia to all travelers interested in this country.

My working system is very flxeible, the prices are very law, I show personal approach to all my travelers, I have great number of free services for all my travelers and my tours are never limited by time so I give total freedom to all my tourists during tours.

Langues Arabe, Arménien, Anglais, Persan, Russe, Espagnol

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