ali oubza est un guide-conférencier privé local en Maroc

Born to a nomadic family in the region of Merzouga, I pride myself for being one of the country’s foremost and well-respected guides.

Armed with a diploma for a mountain guide from the Centre de Formation Aux Metiers Montagne (CFAMM), I have worked several years with one of Morocco’s top tour companies gaining respect and accolades from tourists worldwide.

My tour company now has grown to include a group of guides, drivers, camels and nomadic families. I, being the heart of all operations, share my unique gift of relating to people and including my love of nature and native land.

I speak a variety language, such as English, French, Italian, Spanish, Arabic and Tamazight.

Langues Arabe, Anglais, Français, Italien, Espagnol
Devises Dollar américain (USD)

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