mina botros est un guide-conférencier privé local en Égypte

I was born and raised in Luxor and, I had graduated from south valley University, faculty of tourism, guidance department, I have worked as a guide in my home town for 7 years. I am a licensed guide with memberships in the Egyptian General Tourist Guides Syndicate and the WFTGA. I have worked as a guide for many of the large tour companies but prefer to run private tours where there is no tim e pressure and the visitor is allowed to make the pace. I am passionate about the sites, the people and the city of Luxor, and would love to share it with you All of my tours are booked for individuals or groups and you will never be heard through the sites. My experience allows me to advise you on the best times to visit the sites to avoid the crowds and the heat of Luxor. I love to work with families and small children are always welcome on my tours. I look forward to welcoming and introducing you to Luxor. Your enjoyment is our business...Guaranteed!

Langues Arabe, Anglais, Français, Russe, Espagnol
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR), Livre égyptienne (EGP)

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