kai Guide est un guide-conférencier privé local en Turquie

I am a Certified Tour Guide currently living in Kusadasi /Turkey. Since i completed my degree on English Literature in 1997 , I have been working as an English and Spanish Tour Guide in Ephesus , Kusadasi , Izmir , istanbul , cappadocia and in all parts of Turkey.

Guiding is a great way of life for me and an incredible passion with taking amateur photos during my tours .

I have worked and still working for different Travel Agencies in Turkey and i have been doing Group or Private Tours for Travellers and Cruisers. I would like to be your private Tour Guide here during your stay and show you the ancient sites and all beautiful places in my country with lots of history , Art and Culture. Especially if you are fond of taking photos during your tours , contact me please .

Looking forward to meeting you soon.

With My Best Regards

ilkay CANDAR

What are the Advantages of My Private Tours ;

*You will be learning interactively from me.

*You will not have to lose any time beacuse of any unexpected situation which is much more possible in group tours.

*More reasonable prices for better quality in your own privacy.

*Decide what to do or what to eat or drink , where to go or where to stop or when to go , how long to stay or and how to spend your time without having to be dependent to the others.

*Tours will have been designed and programmed on your personal interests , wish and needs.

*You will not be missing anything worth seeing or not , which is not possible in large groups.

*You will not have to waste your time at a quee etc as everything will have already been done for you by me.

*You will be hearing me better as we will have the opportunity to walk close to eachother and as we will not have to walk faster unlike they do in group tours.

*Better personal touch to your expectations , wishes and needs.

*More time for photo breaks , to have something to eat or to drink , or for shopping.

*You can start and end your tour when you need or want to do.

*You will not have to be with people that you do not know as you will be enjoying yoyr comfort in a Private A/C Vehicle.

A Note ; Tour Guides in Turkey are not oficially and directly allowed to provide Tours . Therefore , Tours here are to be operated by a registered travel agency in Turkey.

Langues Anglais, Turc
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR)

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