Zulfiya J est un guide-conférencier privé local en Kazakhstan

Des endroits

Hi, welcome to my page!

I'm Zulfiya, I am professional safety engineer by my occupation and everything else by my interests ^-^

I have met many people with different background, ethnicity, occupation during this amazing life and still keep meeting. I have lived in Norway, UK, France for 3 months up to 2 years. I have traveled to more than 30 countries and keep exploring and meeting nice people around.

My interests are broad, from music, sport, education, fashion, psychology, etc to spirituality. I like to take up and try new things. Last time I have taken a course in English language teaching (CELTA), though it has nothing to do with my job (except the working language).

I'm happy to meet tourists coming to Astana/Nur-Sultan and explore the city together. I believe personal guiding is not only about showing places and telling some facts about monuments, but its also a fun time where you get to know the local culture, traditions, history straight from locals. For me, it is about enjoying the moment of exploration of both the city and the culture with no hassle. In my guiding I offer a slower pace (all MUST SEEs will be covered) with enjoyment, cultural exploring via conversation and adapting the tour according to your needs.

I will be happy to guide you, if that style suits you too!

And, yes, Welcome to Kazakhstan!

Langues Anglais, Kazakh, Russe
Devises Dollar américain (USD)

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