SERENA BAGLIONI est un guide-conférencier privé local en Italie


Born and raised in Siena, proud to show you around, I'm a qualified professional licensed local guide for Siena Montepulciano Pienza Montalcino and the beautiful Val d'Orcia, the most authentic charming part of Tuscany.

I'm also a certified Sommelier III level and food expert. Are u looking for a real full immersion into Tuscan life? just found YOUR GUIDE!

Langues Anglais, Italien
Devises Euro (EUR)

Excursions (10)

Avis du Touriste (3)

Rick Updyke
16 JUI 2021
We've traveled extensively and Serena is, by far, the best guide we have ever encountered. Her knowledge of the history, food and wine of the Tuscany region is amazing. We have had the pleasure of touring with her on 5 separate occasions and highly recommend her services. You will not be disappointed.
maRIO gargiulo
18 JUI 2021
Bellissimo tour a Montepulciano. Precisa, cordiale, esaustiva e molto simpatica. Le due ore abbondanti sono passate in armonia e piacevolezza. Grazie a lei abbiamo conosciuto un artigiano che fa mosaici ed è stato veramente interessante. Le indicazioni di qualche posticino di buon gusto sono state assolutamente soddisfacenti. Abbiamo potuto constatare che è ben voluta dalle persone del posto in quanto passeggiare insieme a lei è un saluto continuo con negozianti, ristoratori e persone comuni. Siamo rimasti più che soddisfatti e per altre visite in zona sicuramente la contatteremo. Grazie di tutto Serena!!!
Gary and Lauren Barnett
21 JUI 2021
We've done three wonderful one-day private Tuscany tours with Serena over the past two years and are looking forward to a fourth next fall. On each, we were so impressed with her knowledge of the history of the places we were visiting, the cuisine, the arts, shopping, restaurants, wines, and wineries. In short, she gave us an experience we never could have created on our own. And she is just fun to be with!
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