safy Ahmed est un guide-conférencier privé local en Égypte

Des endroits

Hello friends 😄 im a licensed tour guide. My basic purpose here is to help tourists avoiding scammers and to build up a good career.

I'm also an astrographer and I like to make voice over, audio books and I'm a master student.

Regarding tours 🌷 I can take you to breath taking unique destinations other than the traditional ones and I can make the perfect plan for u to save time and money. I can take you to Sinai, Minia "the ancient capital of king Akhenaten and the site of a tragic love story, I can also take u to many monasteries, mosques and ancient Egyptian monuments in Giza and cairo. I love hiking, and reading, specially thriller and adventure novels 😅 I have cats and care for stray dogs and cats of archaeological sites ❤️

V.imp: I don't waste your time in stores & I don't force you to buy anything. I'm a licensed guide by the ministry of tourism & syndicate of Egyptian tour guides so, you will be safe with me, unlike unlicensed ones unlike unlicensed ones who can put u in troubles with tourism authorities and you'll pay for their tickets too. They take u to specific expensive stores and restaurants to take commission from them, plus they will just show you superficial scenes not explain anything related to history coz they are not professional and forbidden to explain without license, as Egyptology is a very sensitive science. I enter all places for free coz i have a license . For your safety, before any booking ask them to show u a copy of their license and make sure to see the original one when you meet. I know all authorized stores with dirty cheap prices supervised by ministry of tourism unlike the thieves, and I know the details of historic, architectural and archaeological aspects. I've studied this hard for years in my university and got my license after so hard exams and many physical trainings and psychological tests by official authorities.

I'll show u inside the amazing earlier pyramids and tombs of Dahshour and Saqqara (Bent pyramid, Unas Pyramid, Djoser pyramid, Teti pyramid, Underground Serapium) in a breath taking experience you will never forget & teach you how to read the hieroglyphics texts (ancient Egyptian language), after a delicious breakfast between palm trees of Dahshour 🌴🌴

Langues Arabe, Anglais
Devises Dollar américain (USD)

Excursions (3)

Avis du Touriste (3)

John Ray
07 OCT 2023
Dream Guide & place !!!!
Dahshour is soooo much beautiful. Getting inside the bent pyramid was my dream and Safy Ahmed is every genuine traveller's dream. From the very first moment of our conversation to the last good-bye she was 110 percent kind, attentive, knowledgeable, and professional. But the real thing comes from elsewhere. The combination of Safy's camera skills and her love of animals, feeding stray dogs and cats, will make your trip a singular experience... Here lies an Egypt you never knew existed. This guide is really unique ! She has a big heart and cares more about our well being than anything. She didn't waste our time in stores, instead, she was very keen on taking us to every single tomb and pyramid ! She was a great guide with verrrry detailed experience in Egyptology and she read the hieroglyphic texts for us ! If you want to leave the country holding back tears, get Safy !
Hossain Ahmed
07 OCT 2023
I had the privilege of embarking on a remarkable tour of Egypt led by Safy, and I can't say enough about what a wonderful experience it was. Safy's expertise as a tour guide, combined with her incredible warmth and friendliness, truly made our journey unforgettable.

Safy's extensive knowledge of Egypt's history and culture was evident in every aspect of the tour. She had a talent for bringing ancient wonders to life through captivating storytelling, making history come alive before our eyes. Her ability to connect the past with the present was truly impressive.

But what set Safy apart was her extraordinary nature of pet care. Her compassion for animals, especially the stray cats and dogs we encountered during our travels, was heartwarming. She carried food and water to ensure their well-being, showcasing a level of care and kindness that went beyond the typical tour guide's duties.

Overall, Safy's combination of expertise, friendliness, and her unique pet-caring nature made our Egypt tour an exceptional experience. Her dedication to ensuring our group's comfort and enriching our understanding of Egypt's heritage was truly remarkable. I highly recommend Safy as a tour guide to anyone seeking an unforgettable journey through Egypt with a guide who goes above and beyond to create a meaningful and compassionate experience. Thank you, Safy, for an incredible adventure!
Gareth Tamplin
08 OCT 2023
Safy is such a wonderful person. Welcoming, knowledgable and passionate about what she does. Absolutely fantastic guide who is willing to go inside tombs and always on hand to answer any questions while inside the pyramids. (Alot of other tour guides stay outside) You’ll also get to see the stray dogs welcome her as she feeds them whenever she can. I highly recommend using Safy on your trips, she’ll make it a memorable experience.
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