Ferdy Milo est un guide-conférencier privé local en Indonésie

Des endroits

I am an active freelancer licensed guide and host in Jakarta; I have many programs of recommendations of tourist attractions in their experience, "I was happy to know you, Ferdy; he knows everything and is knowledgeable; I am pretty sure he is good English.

Yes, I am a humble and friendly guide in their comment, 10 years being a guide have a lot of experience with many types of tourist characters; of course, I am a flexible guide to make them happy; there are many characters during the trip, I am hiring some agencies indeed busy every day, but you can employ before the time.

Please contact me while you are in Jakarta. If you need me as your friend to go around Indonesia, call me directly. My price is just for 1 person; if there are two of you, just add 10 dollars. If you need a car, I will prepare it with a price. Or negotiable.

Jakarta is a big megapolitan city with a metropolitan suburb and a neighboring town such as Bogor and Bandung.

Java has big metropolitan such as Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, and Jogja.

So, how are the programs you take?

Prepare yourself to be in good time!!

Langues Anglais
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR)

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