Maja Rogan est un guide-conférencier privé local en Serbie

Des endroits

My name is Maja Rogan. I am a licensed local guide for Belgrade, Serbia and I offer you sightseeing tours of our capital – Belgrade or any other place in my country you wish to visit. All my suggested tours start from Belgrade, which is the cultural, historical and tourist center of Serbia.

Tours around Serbia depend entirely on your desires, imagination and requirements …

MY CITY: The story about Belgrade is the story of the Balkan crossroads, located at the confluence of two big rivers – Sava and Danube. The city has always presented a challenge for all nations traveling through our region, starting with Celts, Ancient Romans, Byzantines, Hungarians, Turks, Austrians and Serbs.

It is exceptional and inspiring for artists because of its spirit of life and the joy of living. That way it keeps its eternal youth. Therefore, I would like to show you our national dance and sing to you our traditional songs we are very proud of.

Langues Anglais, Italien, Serbian

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