MAN RAJ GURUNG est un guide-conférencier privé local en Népal

Des endroits

MAN RAJ GURUNG born to a Gorkha family in the mountain village of eastern Annapurna region - Lamjung. After completing his high school education, he tried to follow Gorkha’s legacy to join the British Gorkha several times, but destiny turned him in another direction.

After he pursued his education, including a Master’s Degree in Business Studies, it was still not fix his career in Kathmandu. His love for the mountains, people and trekking he decided to further his studies in tourism. He joined the tourism sector in 2007 as a support staff.

In 2009 he joined Ker and Downey Nepal as a Kathmandu office representative and worked as a Tour and Trekking guide until 2016. After 7 years of trekking tourism experience, he started his own adventure founding his own company Bodhi Adventures Pvt. Ltd. as an entrepreneur as well. He compassionately and safely led Trekkers in various parts of Nepal. His treks expanded all over different areas of Nepal Himalayas to Pokhara, Lumbini, Chitwan National Parks in the lower valleys and Terai.

After exploring Nepalese cultures and landscapes more in depth to serve his customer he found himself developing an interest in Buddhism. Also, he noticed that many of the tourist showed curiosity and asked questions about Buddhism. So, he decided to pursue his education in Buddhist Studies. He completed one year Post Graduate Diploma from Tribhuvan University and Masters in Buddhism & Himalayan Studies from Lumbini Buddhist University. He is a devoted practitioner serving everyone with kindness and compassion.

Now he is more into Mountaineering too, aiming to be International Mountain Guide cum Instructor as well. He is doing Aspirant Guide Course and Component I & II of Aspirant Guide Course 2021-22 has been successfully completed.

– Namaste!


Master’s in Business Studies Tribhuvan University

Masters in Arts: Buddhism and Himalayan Studies Lumbini University


Bodhi Adventures Pvt. Ltd. Founder

Gandaki Alpine Club Joint Secretary

Gurung Tourism Entrepreneurs Association of Nepal Member


Related to Tourism

1. Tourist Guide Training 2009

2. Trekking Guide Training 2010

3. Advance Wilderness First Aid Training 2010

4. Basic Journalism and Photography Training for Trekking Guides 2014

5. Bird Watching Tourism Training 2016

6. Adventure Travel Guide Training 2016

7. Introductory Rock-Climbing Course 2017

8. Rock Climbing Course Level I 2018

9. Helicopter Marshall Course 2018

10. Basic Mountaineering Course 2018

11. Basic Mountain Navigation Course 2018

12. Basic Mountain Rescue Course 2018

13. High Mountain Rescue Course 2019

14. Avalanche Rescue Course 2019

15. Refreshment Training for Mountaineers 2019

16. Advance Mountaineering Course 2019-20

17. Aspirant Guide Course Component I & II 2021-22


S. No. Peak Height Date

1. Mera Peak 6,470m 16 May 2019

2. Island Peak (Imja Tse) 6,165m 23 May 2019

3. Lobuche Peak 6,135m 25 May 2019

4. Kyazo Ri 6,186m 17 Oct 2019

5. Ama Dablam 6,812m 14 Nov 2019

Langues Anglais, Hindi
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR)

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