saleh alarifi est un guide-conférencier privé local en Arabie Saoudite

Des endroits

Hello Everyone, My name. is saleh and tourism is fun and passion for me .Iet me show you the most beautiful tourist attraction in my city, i will very happy to guide you in historical and modern places ,

Langues Arabe, Chinois, Anglais
Devises Euro (EUR), Pound sterling (GBP), Riyal saoudien (SAR), Dollar américain (USD)

Excursions (2)

Avis du Touriste (1)

Tiziana Franzone
19 OCT 2023
My friends and I enjoyed a lovely weekend in Riyadh thanks to Saleh who was a very professional, kind and helpful guide. If you wish to immerge into the culture of Saudi Arabia and spent a lovely holiday , I recommend Saleh as a guide
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