Raed Ouachem est un guide-conférencier privé local en Tunisie

Des endroits

I'm a Tunisian professional tour guide with a passion for showcasing the beauty and cultural richness of my homeland. With fluency in French, English, and German, I offer comprehensive communication and the ability to cater to a diverse range of visitors. My commitment is to provide the best guidance throughout Tunisia, ensuring that every traveler's experience is memorable and enjoyable.

My communication skills are one of my strong suits, allowing me to connect with people from various backgrounds and engage them in a rich, educational, and entertaining exploration of Tunisia. I understand the importance of patience in my line of work, ensuring that all guests feel comfortable and heard. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I take pride in delivering exceptional service and helping you discover the hidden treasures and fascinating circuits of Tunisia.

Choose me as your guide, and you'll not only experience the wonders of Tunisia but also gain a deep appreciation for its history, culture, and people. I look forward to sharing this incredible journey with you.

Langues Arabe, Anglais, Français, Allemand
Devises Euro (EUR)

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