Adri Eka Putra est un guide-conférencier privé local en Indonésie

Des endroits

I was born in Jakarta more than 4 decades ago. I love to meet people from all over the world to share amazing experiences. I will bring you to explore Old City to Modern City of Jakarta, Museum, Art Center and Exhibition, Nightlife, as well as Experience the Nature e.g exploring Botanical Garden, City Park, Thousand Islands, waterfall, camping ground, mountain hot water inside and outside of Jakarta.

I would love to adjust the trip based on your custom itenary. Personalized trip is well accepted. Including to showing you some business spot if you think you need to start a business in Indonesia.

Let's explore and get the amazing moments of your life!

Langues Anglais, indonésien
Devises Euro (EUR), Dollar américain (USD), Rupiah (IDR)

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