Arsal Ahamad est un guide-conférencier privé local en Inde

Des endroits

Namaste Dear travelers!

My name is Arsal Ahamad, I work as a Russian-English speaking accompanying guide.

and translator in India and i have licence for Tourist Guide by the Indian Ministry of Tourism.

I am honored to share with you what I have loved and respected since 2006.

I have the power to make you love India. My blood is connected with the history, culture and traditions of India.

I was born and brought up in the city of Agra, where you will find a wealth of arts, crafts, culture and architecture, the greatest example of this Wonder of the World “Taj Mahal”.

I speak English/Russian fluently.

My interests are exploring new places.

I believe that you will enjoy traveling with me and also you will gain more value in your life when you are here in India, even if for a short time.

I also help my guests in booking hotels, train tickets, domestic air tickets and organize tours all over India.

Our popular tours such as the Golden Triangle,

Rajasthan Tour,

Day Tours, Delhi-Agra,

Delhi-Jaipur and many others.

I'm looking forward to showing you my country.

Thank you !!!!!

Langues Anglais, Russe, Espagnol
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR), Roupie indienne (INR), Rouble russe (RUB)

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