Hamzawi Sbae est un guide-conférencier privé local en Maroc

Immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere of the ancient Medina of Tangier on this immersive tour. Discover the best-kept secrets and hidden treasures of this historic city, where every street tells a fascinating story.

During this two to two and a half hour excursion, we will venture through the winding streets of the Medina, exploring its narrow streets, bustling markets and picturesque squares. You will have the opportunity to discover the main historical sites of the city, including the famous Kasbah with its stunning panoramic views of the Strait of Gibraltar, as well as the Grand Mosque and the Kasbah Museum.

I strive to create enriching and unforgettable experiences for my visitors. Join me for an authentic exploration of the Medina of Tangier and discover all it has to offer!

Book now for an authentic and immersive experience in the Medina of Tangier!

Langues Anglais, Italien, Espagnol
Devises Dollar américain (USD), Euro (EUR)

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