Eléonore Nicolas est un guide-conférencier privé local en France

Des endroits

I am a french tour guide and a stand up comedian in the City of Lights. I looooove my job and my tours are pretty fun and interactive

For me, a guided tour is an experience, where you learn lots while having a good time. We remember better when we are touch so my mission is to make sure that art work and the stories I tell you about, touches you

My tours are very interactive. I ask questions. It is the best way for you to remember and it makes my tours great for children.

I do brilliant tours of the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, the stunning Sainte Chapelle, The Conciergerie, Montmartre and Versailles

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Langues Anglais, Français
Devises Euro (EUR)

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