Climb Kilimanjaro Machame route 6 days

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen


Sometimes called the Whisky Route. This is a popular route up steep paths through magnificent forests to gain a ridge leading through the moorland zones to the Shira Plateau. It then traverses beneath the glaciated precipices of the Southern Ice-fields to join the Barafu Route to the summit. An extra day could be added to the itinerary, best spent on the Shira Plateau, where you could walk to the Shira Needles. Strong groups could omit camping at Karanga River. The Mweka Route is used for the descent.

Accommodation on the mountain is in tents which our porters will pitch for you. You will need a sleeping bag, warm clothes and walking poles. This is a steep, tough trek within the limits of a fit individual used to Exercise.


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