Best of Istanbul Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 49 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

In the morning at about 08:30-09:00, we pick you up from your hotel /cruise ship and provide you transfer service to the Old City part of Istanbul. The highlights we will visit ;

- Hippodrome of Constantinople

- Blue Mosque

- Hagia Sophia

Lunch will be provided in a cozy local restaurant

- Topkapi Palace

- Grand Bazaar

- Cafer Aga Madrasah


+ Pick up and drop off from/to your hotel (Sultanahmet, Taksim, and Cruise Ports)

+ Professional guidance ( in English)

+ Lunch in local restaurant (Veggie option available)

+ Entrance fees


- Beverages during lunch

- Personal expenses


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