Private Yacht Rental on Bosphorus Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 275 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

Depends on your time request, we pick you up from your hotel by a private vehicle and provide you transfer service to the area where our private yacht will depart from.

You will take long at least 2 hours. If you would like to make it longer, you can decide it during your tour. There will be 2 crew and 1 captain also there will be English speaking person whom can explain about highlights that you will see during bosphorus cruise. You can have breakfast/lunch/dinner services during your tour.

The highlights you will see during your tour;

- Dolmabahce Palace

- Bosphorus Bridge

- Camlica Hill

- Golden Horn

- Küçüksu Pavillion

- Beylerbeyi Palace

- Maiden' Tower

- Rumeli Fortress

- Asia & Europe Continents

- FSM Bridge

- Bosphorus Bridge


+ Boat Rental

+ Hot Drinks & Small Snacks

+ Guidance in English (Licensed)

+ Pick up from the hotel & drop of the hotel


- Alcoholic and cold drinks

- Meals

- Tips to the staff


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