Buenos Aires Half day city tour

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

We'll explore the most important areas, the historical central one near the hectic rhythm of the financial area, the aristocratic north, and the popular south, visiting the most meaningful places in Buenos Aires.


9 de julio Av. Obelisk. May Square. San Telmo. La Boca. Puerto Madero. Palermo. Recoleta.

Our day and the time we start the tour is flexible and is meant to accommodate your schedule and interests.

This is a private tour, you can ask the the time you prefer to be picked up an the length could also be extended.

Meet up location: I will meet you at the cruise ship terminal, or at your Hotel.

End location: I will drop you off at the cruise ship terminal, or back to your Hotel.

I always offer private tours with transportation included, in this case a car with its authorized driver. Of course, me as your guide all the time, as guides in this city are not allowed to drive, I respect the rules for you not to have any problem in our way.

I wait for your question!!!

Ask me the price ! tell me how many you are and the Hotel location!!


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