Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 450 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

This is your opportunity to discover the northern part of Buenos Aires, precisely in the riverside. San Isidro town was always the selected area where the aristocratic people liked to live or at least to have a weekend residence. Nowadays keeps the same atmosphere. The San Isidro Labrador Cathedral is an impressive example of the neo-gothic style. Its tower can be seen from the river, down the slope, and it's very useful for the sailors.

Tigre is a unique ecosystem of rivers, islands and nature.

Its about 30 km north Buenos Aires city .

We get to the city in our private vehicle. There we take a typical boat to sail through rivers. There you could appreciate the particular kind of life the islanders keep there.

You will have time to have lunch there and then have a walk in the Fruit Market and then return. I'll coordinate the tour in relation on your tastes and preferences.

This is a tour that lengths 6 HS and is including transportation as well as my services as your guide.


Palermo Woods. Olivos. Martinez View Point.

San isidro. Tigre.

Where and When:

Meet up location: Your Hotel or Cruise Pier

End location: Your Hotel or Cruise Pier

Duration: 5 hours

What's Included:

Transportation according the quantitie of passengers, car or van.

My services as your guide all time.

One hour boat trip in the delta Islands tickets included.

What's Extra:

Meals. Personal purchases

Ask me for group price is different depending quantity of passengers, due to transportation and boat tickets.


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