Vlora, home of Independence of Albania

Sprache Albanian, Englisch, Griechisch
Kosten 330 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

During this day trip we will visit the city of Vlore, which has been the center of the Albanian resistance against the Ottomans which culminated with the declaration of the Independence at the same place. The city lies on the sea shore, in front of the Sazan Island and the Peninsula of Karaburun where the Adriatic Sea meets the Ionian Sea. As the center of the Albanian Independence has a lot of historical interest, but also plenty of natural beauty and crystal water beaches along the seaside. Zvernec Island surrounded by salt marshes hosts a unique ecosystem and a unique Byzantine Monastery. Kanina village with its strategic castle which was built by the Illyrian tribes and was expanded by Justinian the Great in the 6th century, will offer a lot of beautiful views of the bay of Vlore.


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