1 Day Tour to Abyaneh+Natanz

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 110 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Embark on a cultural journey from Isfahan to Natanz, where you will explore the intricate architecture of the Jameh Mosque and pay homage to Sheykh Samad's Tomb. Delve into Natanz's rich heritage at the Ceramic Traditional workshop. Admire the resilience of the 800-year-old Old Plantain Tree and uncover the ancient mysteries of the Sassanian Fire Temple (Char-Taghi). Immerse yourself in the timeless charm of Abyaneh Village, wandering its cobblestone alleys and experiencing its culture.


Explore Natanz's Jameh Mosque, a historical marvel

Discover the serenity of Sheykh Samad's Tomb

Experience traditional ceramics at Natanz's workshop

Marvel at the ancient Sassanian Fire Temple

Admire the ancient 800 Years Old Plantain Tree

Wander through the charming Abyaneh Village


Pick you up at the hotel and move from Isfahan to Natanz for about 1.5 hours.

Visit Natanz and continue to Abyaneh village. You will be at the village for lunchtime.

After 1-2 hours, we will visit the village and return directly to Isfahan.

If you choose a destination in Kashan, we will drive to Kashan for about 1 hour.

During your tour, you will visit the following places :

Jameh Mosque of Natanz

Sheykh Samad's Tomb

Natanz's Ceramic Traditional workshop

800 Years Old Plantain Tree

Sassanian Fire Temple (Char-Taghi)

Abyaneh Village, including all attractions

After the tour, you will be dropped off at your hotel.


Travel permission

English-speaking Iranian Eco-Tour guide

Transportation (hotel to hotel) by Sedan car

A small bottle of mineral water per person per day


Village entrance

personal expenses

Tips and gratuities


Private photography (on request)

All meals

Extra service / requests

Start/finish in Kashan (Additional)

What to bring:

Comfortable shoes for walking



Any necessary medicines (personal)

Any personal options you want/need

Phone charger/power bank

Additionally, in Cold Seasons:

Wind stopper

Warm clothes

Additionally in warm seasons:

Long sleeves shirt


Know before you go:

It is possible to visit on all days except for specific religious days.

Abyaneh Village is known as the Ruby of Karkas Mountain because of its reddish architecture. It's located on the way from Isfahan to Kashan, somewhere between Karkas Mountain and Natanz.

In this village, which is very well-known these days by tourists, you'll see the locals wearing authentic clothes and living in the village, which includes unique architecture. You will also walk in the village and visit the best view of this location.

Before heading to Abyeneh, you have the chance to visit one of the coolest cities close to the desert, which we know as City Garden and call Natanz.

On this tour, you can choose your destination as Kashan or Isfahan.


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