Amalfi coast

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 220 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag

One of the natural marvels in the world ! A paradise on earth;the land of the syrens and of the cities along the sea, with their narrow roads and amazing historical centers. All this and more more over is the Amalfi Coast, from the name of the best known of its villages. A whole day driving along the high coasts that overlook on breathtaking wievs. Walking along the narrow streets of Positano, visiting the Cathedral of St. Andrew and the museum of the handmade paper in Amalfi, taking a bath on the amazing beaches, enjoying a dring sitting in a cafeteria. Taking a look to the splendor of the lemons grown on the hills, Discovering the luxurious villas and the history of the village of Ravello, built on the mountain. What else better than this ? And, with a guide, is another dimension !


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