istanbul daily old city tour walking tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 70 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

We will pick you up from the hotel ( istanhul city center hotels) or Galataport Istanbul. Then you will meet with your group and guide at the meeting point and start for walking tour.

We will visit Topkapi Palace,Hagia Irene Museum (Greek Orthodox Church) Hagia Sophia,Hippodrome, Blue Mosque, Handmade carpet center, Grand Covered Bazaar.

End of the tour we will drop you off to your hotel or galataport istanbul.

Pick Up Location : Hotel pick-up & drop-off service are available only from the hotels located in the city center. There may be an extra charge for transportations from other locations or airport.

Pick up & Drop times :

Between 08.00 O'clock to 08.30 O'clock

& 17.30 O'clock to 18.00 O'clock

Meeting point : Sultan 3. Ahmed Çeşmesi Topkapı Palace entrance Sultanahmet

**Tuesday Topkapı and Hagia Irene are closed. The tour visit will be replace with Turkish Islamic art museum and Sultan tombs.

Tour Duration : 09.00 O'clock to 17.00 O'clock

Minimum Capacity 1 pax

Maximum 27 pax

Tour Language : English speaking

Please check for other languages (minimum 4 pax request we may provide)

Included: Hotel pick up & drop off by air-conditioned non-smoking tour coaches Lunch Entrance fees Professional licensed tour guide Service charges & local taxes

Excluded: Drinks Personal expenses Tips and gratitues Harem part in Topkapi Palace

Organised by Tursab member AGUIA TOURS TURİZM Licence No 8846


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