Jaipur Village Jeep Safari

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

The best way to truly get knowledge about the life and culture of a location is to spend time with its locals and experience life in their shoes. This tour of rural Jaipur takes you to the daily lives of its villagers. From your hotel pick up, you’ll be brought to the farm of Amer where you’ll meet the group and enjoy refreshments. Throughout Amer, your journey will take you through the villages where you’ll see the farmers and get the chance to see their everyday lives. You’ll be able to see the local, traditional homes of Jaipur and see the local economy as it flows through village life. You’ll then be able to learn directly from the farmers with agricultural sessions. You’ll be able to chat with the locals, and even play traditional games like Gulli Danda and Satoliya. In Chaupal, you’ll meet and talk with the villagers and learn about their ups and downs, how life goes on in the village, before you head through more towns and see the mountainside. You’ll be brought back to your hotel with greater knowledge of local culture in these great farming towns.


Hop into a jeep which is ideal for upto groups of 4, with an English speaking guide

Meet the local farmers and get a glimpse of their daily life

Participate in agricultural sessions with the farmers and play local games with kids

Enjoy the challenging drive through the villages and mountains of Jaipur and explore the countryside


Transportation by Jeep

Local Guide

Private and personalised experience with a local host

Hotel pickup and drop-off

Tea and Snacks

(Meet up point)

Hotel Pickup And Drop-off


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