Kherson Town and Province

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 10 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Kherson Oblast’ (province) is one of southern regions of Ukraine near the Black Sea and around the Dniper (Dnipro) River delta. There are very unique destinations here.

If you want to see the next sites and to know more about, you are welcome to Kherson in Ukraine :

- Oleshky Sands;

- Askania Nova Preserve;

- Grigoriy Potemkin grave and St. Catherine Cathedral of 18th cen.;

- Oleshky Sich of Ukrainian Cossacks;

- Kherson Fortress of 18th cen.;

- Dzharylgach Preserve;

- John Howard grave and monument;

- lakes with minerals and iodine;

- hot geyser with iron minerals;

- pink salty lake;

- mouth and islands of the Dnieper River; kayaking and nature tours.


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