One Day Tour To Pyramids, Memphis & Sakkara

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 70 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

we bring you our amazing and extraordinary day trip to the Pyramids of Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinus. You will get to visit the Great Sphinx, Valley Temple, Sakkara Step Pyramid and Memphis; the first ancient capital of the former Egyptian Empire.

This guided tour of sightseeing is really awesome because it provides best tour packages for people at a reasonable rate and make it their priority that their tourist are satisfied and happy.

Tour Highlights

1. Visit the Pyramids of Cheops,Chephren , Mykerinus

2. Visit to the Great Sphinx, the iconic head of a Pharaoh with a lion body.

3. Valley Temple

4. Step Pyramid of Sakkara and Memphis

Detailed Tour Itinerary

-Now lets see some of the excitement dozes for you.

One of our knowledgeable representatives will pick you up from your hotel in a late model, tourist class vehicle after your breakfast.

This memorable journey will begin with a visit to the Great Sphinx, the iconic head of a Pharaoh with a lion body. This extraordinary statue dates back to the time of Chephren. From here, you will head towards the Valley Temple which also includes the Pyramids of Chephren. Afterwards you will see the Step Pyramid of Djoser which is also known as the world's oldest major stone structure. It was built in the 3rd Dynasty (around 2630 BC) for King Djoser.

After this, you will be drive towards Memphis which was founded by King Menes, which also served as the capital of ancient Egypt, and it was considered to be a center of rule and culture for over 3000 years. You will also see the famous Statue of Ramses II.

Then our journey will head towards the Valley temple where you will get to visit the Pyramids of Chephren.

Then we will proceed towards the step Pyramid of Djoser.

After visiting all these exciting places our beautiful journey will come to an end and our representative will drop you to your hotel.


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