Tour Guide service for Taj Mahal.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 10 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Visit Tour of TAJ MAHAL & Agra fort ( walking tour) guided (Explained history) by me. Or I will join you in your car.

A white marble tomb built in 1631 - 48 in Agra, seat of the Mughal Empire, by Shah Jehan for his wife, Arjuman Banu Begum, the monument sums up many of the formal themes that have played through Islamic architecture. Its refined elegance is a conspicuous contrast both to the Hindu architecture of pre-Islamic India, with its thick walls, cor belled arches and heavy lintels, and to the Indo-Islamic styles, Know Why Taj mahal is took 22 years to build by 20 thousand artists ?

Later visit world heritage monument by UNESCO, Agra fort built by third Mughal emperor Akber known as a 'Akber the Great'. The first Mughal ruler who did marriage with Rajpoot princess Jhoda Bai. here you can see beautiful palaces, arches, walls, court and gardens.



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